Red Teaming is the practice of looking at a problem from the perspective of an opponent or competitor. Two forms of Red Teaming are distinguished: The operational Red Teaming exercise and a Strategic/tactical Red Teaming analysis. In the operational form, Red Teaming tests the preparedness and threat awareness of the employees and the organization. The Red Teaming Exercise is best known to most people as, for example, a so-called ‘mystery guest visit’. A Red Teaming Exercise involves an external expert attempting to undermine the organization in one way or another in view of an organization’s primary security objectives. The effect of this is that the safety measures are immediately put to the test, which is fed back in a report. In the strategic/tactical form, the Red Teaming methodology can be used in the form of the Red Teaming Analysis (RTA). An RTA can map out weaknesses in its own assumptions for an organization, by working from the perspective of the opponent (or in the case of a process without an opponent, the underminer) it enriches the planning process. The product of a Red Teaming analysis is a selection of realistic scenarios. A Red Teaming Analysis is essentially an experiment into the unknown. A critical analysis that improves the decision-making process by identifying as many of the threats and risks to the decision as possible. A Red Teaming Analysis can be applied to almost all processes within an organization. In combination with, for example, Predictive Profiling, a Red Teaming Analysis can uncover previously unknown AMOs. An RTA on known threats to an organization exposes unknown threats, or negates known threats. With the knowledge gained in such an analysis, the right decision can be made to improve the process.

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